Master Appointments: The Key to Turning Conversations into Sales


Appointments are an essential, yet intangible, outcome in the sales process. Whether they happen over the phone, in the showroom, or in the customer’s home, scheduling and conducting appointments effectively requires a strategic approach. One of the most critical strategies is to introduce the concept of ‘next steps’ early in the sales conversation.

Plan Your Appointments in Advance To offer appointments effortlessly, start by blocking out appointment slots on your calendar. Choose low-traffic times in the showroom, and ensure these slots are convenient for both you and the customer. Having pre-scheduled times gives you the flexibility to offer customers a choice, making it easier for them to commit.

Offer Clear Choices When scheduling, offer your customer specific options: "Would you prefer to meet in person or over the phone? Is morning or afternoon better for you? I have Tuesday at 10:00 or Wednesday at 11:00…which works best for you?" These choices simplify the decision-making process and increase the likelihood of securing the appointment.

Use Homework as a Connection Tool When a customer has a reason they can’t buy today—such as needing to consult with a spouse—turn that reason into homework. For example, if they say, “I need to bring my spouse back,” you can respond with, “Great, that will be your homework!” This implies there’s a next step and sets the expectation for a follow-up appointment.

Always Confirm In-Person Appointments Make it a habit to call and confirm all in-person appointments. This not only shows professionalism but also sets the expectation that you’ll be in touch. You might say, "Since I’m going to call you to confirm and discuss your homework, would you prefer I call in the afternoon between 4-6, or the morning of the meeting, around 9:00?"

Stick to the Process While it’s important to get innovative with the solutions you offer, don’t stray from the process. Consistently following a proven strategy is key to success.

Now, go put some appointment slots in your calendar!




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