Charming Idiosyncrasies
Some of our imperfections can truly be cute…even bordering on adorable.
My brother, never a math wizard, when called out on his inaccurate calculation is known to say, “Oh, I was figuring it another way.” Damn near adorable.
As it is with all of us. Our frailties endear us to others because they expose our humanity and reveal our connection to others by our lack of perfection. We all have qualities that might madden us and amuse others. And yet, here we are.
Now, go reveal something…
Something Bigger
Small changes are easier to make when there is a bigger outcome in mind… one that is sparkly and burning and so much better than the current reality.
If the outcome isn’t big enough, the effort isn’t worth it, is it? Does losing 3 pounds really inspire as much as losing 10? Or WHAT will losing 10 pounds bring to your life (lower blood pressure, knees that are less cranky, pants that aren’t as tight...or the jeans that look fabulous at that magic number) that really matters to you? The goal …
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Starting new practices and habits isn’t a smooth process. After the initial excitement and inspiration wears off and old habits start to call to us, we feel pulled in a couple of directions: moving toward the future that we envision and desire and being tethered to a familiar way of doing things. We start to tell ourselves that the current reality is not so bad….and maybe we just need to live with it.
Fear. Resignation. Hopelessness.
When we know that breakdowns will occur or we may falt…
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