Less of...
Yes, it is possible to do LESS of something!
It seems counter-intuitive to look at what we might do less of following a blog that focused on
Maybe we could have talked less or talked less about things that were unimportant to the buyer
and only important to us. Or have spent less time on an interaction that was ineffective
(combine that with talking too much – ouch). Or we might have spent less time on non-sales
actions that kept sales actions from happening.
Or brought less resista…
Don’t Let Up Until You Finish
You are almost there. It’s almost over.
Stay with the process and keep at it until you have crossed the finish line…and resist the temptation to lighten up as the end nears.
This is when others will give up…they will say ‘it’s close enough’…or that making goal is overrated…or some other disempowering belief that makes giving up seem reasonable. You might have done that in the past, too. But this is a new reality, and you are building a new set of skills that will serve you to consistently…
Be Realistic and Honest
This month I'd like to dedicate time to discuss ENDING a selling period…and ending it on track and on goal, even if the month didn’t go as smoothly as desired.
We are now in the fourth quarter of the year, so the skill of finishing strong applies to the month as well as to the year.
Let’s start with being straight and realistic. You are either on track to make goal or you are not. You have had a specific number of opportunities that you have closed or scheduled, or you have not. You have sch…
Observe the Calendars of Your Sales Team Members
Now that your calendar is set with recurring actions and appointments, you can start connecting the dots (for yourself) of how that level of organization is contributing to the results you are achieving.
And you can be the example for your team to follow.
Your example and expertise will allow you to coach your team on HOW to organize their time and HOW to plan for appointments so that they can begin to experience that level of organization for themselves and connect their own dots of struct…
June is…the beginning of a new season.
It’s summer…and summer traffic is often unpredictable, and customers/clients can be distracted by vacation plans and being away from home.
You might have vacation plans scheduled, too…which means you need to make goal in LESS time.
What? Yes.
And as we discussed in an earlier post, it’s about the strategy…what is the number you have to hit? How many sales do you have to make at what average sale? And what actions are needed to achieve those sales?
You do this by taking the actions that incr…
As well as we can plan our time and be vigilant in protecting our time from being unnecessarily taken up by others, there is still a sneaky little gremlin called Procrastination.
Procrastination is sneaky because it looks like taking a break. It looks like being productive when we shift our attention to something that needs attention, but maybe not as much or not right now…especially if it is less important to achieving our goals than what we are currently working on.
It’s good to LOOK for…
Opportunities for Growth
Imperfections exist, and acknowledging and accepting that fact is helpful in order to move with them and through them.
When we accept them as part of the package, we can own them without defending, excusing, or avoiding…they just are.
From that point, we can expand our view and ask: How is this habit and behavior affecting me? How does it impact others? What do I gain from it and what does it cost me?
And we can choose new actions.
If you are in a sales leadership role, and you have …
Asking for Referrals
I must admit, as a salesperson this is one of my weaker areas. I GET a lot of referral business but it’s not because I ask for it. I can only imagine what would happen if I intentionally asked a happy client to refer me to someone they know who might use my assistance. So, don’t follow my lead on this.
However, I do work with people who are good at this and are generous to share what they do that works, which is what I will share with you.
ALWAYS give two business cards and say: “Here is…
Thank you notes
Call me old fashioned…no, don’t. Call me gracious and grateful…yes, do.
I have personalized thank you notes (gracias, that I love to send… and I LOVE to receive thank you notes. And by thank you notes, I mean a handwritten note and envelope. Yes, that kind of thank you note.
A young woman at a seminar recently told me that she doesn’t think thank you notes are genuine…and when I asked her to explain, she said she never received a handwritten one, but rather a thank you email w…
Structures and Support
“I don’t write goals, but I have them in my head.” What??
If you’ve heard yourself say that, challenge its efficacy: DID you really achieve the goal? Did you even have one? Or is that something you say to avoid the responsibility of making a commitment and then taking the actions to achieve the goal?
Some facts about goals:
- You need to write them down. The action of thinking it through and articulating what you want is powerful and part of the process.
- Put your goals somewhere that yo…
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