Missed the Sale? Here's How to Turn 'Maybes' Into 'Yeses'


Even with the best intentions and strategies, not every customer interaction will lead to a sale or an appointment on the spot. That’s just the nature of sales. But don’t lose heart—what truly sets successful salespeople apart is their ability to follow up effectively. When you don’t get the immediate result you’re aiming for, your next step is to follow up with purpose and persistence. Here’s how to turn those "maybes" into "yeses":

  1. Commit to Multiple Follow-Up Calls Plan to call up to five times. Yes, five. Many salespeople stop after just two attempts, fearing they’ll bother the customer. But persistence can be the key to success. Remember, you’re reaching out because you have something of value to offer.
  2. Review Your Notes and Sketch Before making your follow-up call, revisit the notes and sketch you made during your initial interaction. This preparation helps you remember the details of your conversation and tailor your approach to the customer’s specific needs.
  3. Using a Template to Guide Your Call Having a template can be incredibly useful. It ensures you cover all key points, ask the right questions, and keep the conversation on track. Be clear about why you’re calling—don’t just "check in." For example, say, “When you were in the showroom, you mentioned wanting to shop at one more store. I’m calling to hear if you’ve done that and what you experienced. Can you tell me about it?”
  4. Ask Directly About Their Purchase If they’ve already made a purchase, ask what they bought and how it fits their needs. If they haven’t, ask if they’ve shopped enough to make a decision. Refer back to your earlier discussion about the items you looked at together.
  5. Move Towards a Close If they liked what you discussed in your previous interaction, ask if they’re ready to move forward. Offer to close the sale over the phone or schedule a time for them to come back to the store. Always provide options for time and day—this makes it easier for them to commit.
  6. Be Ready to Close Whether you’re closing the sale over the phone or in person, be prepared. Have all the necessary information and tools ready to make the transaction smooth, easy, and quick. Your efficiency will leave a lasting impression and build customer trust.

Now, go get ready to follow up and close the sale!




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