For many salespeople (including myself) follow-up is the weakest skill. It takes scheduling, organizing, and consistent action for follow up to be effective. It takes doing things you don’t want to do. It takes failing – a lot! – and trying again. It takes rigorous evaluation and measurement to improve and build the follow-up muscle. And it never, ever ends.

Whether cold or warm calls, managing web leads or referrals, follow-up is a skill and a practice of patience and persistence. It will ALWAYS pay off.
Look at your current follow up strategy. Look at when you reach out and the communication vehicle you use. Are you emailing when you should be calling or texting? Are you doing it at the time when you will reach someone… or just getting it off the list?

Take a moment each day, each week to cheer your wins.

Be grateful for this essential skill that 
has you improve your effectiveness each and every day.

Now, go call someone.




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