

High Point Market Blog/Newsletter

High Point Market Seminar, Saturday, October 16 - 4:00 HFA Resource Center

In the last year, so many things have been amended or eliminated, morphed into something else, or revealed themselves as different from originally intended or understood. Those things have all happened to me, to my business, to my clients, and to my understanding and methods for teaching salespeople and sales managers.

This topic, Homework, is one of those newly realized nuggets in my “Sell it or Schedule it” sa…

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"Use it up…..

For sales professionals, everywhere

…wear it out, make it do, or do without.”

That is a World War II era saying that described and directed behavior that those living through that time followed until they died.  

When you can’t easily run to the store because you have a craving for mint chocolate chip ice cream and your wear it out.jpgbetter half-finished the last of it yesterday, you do without or choose another way to satisfy your fancy. When you fall in love with those new AG jeans on Nordstrom R…

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For sales professionals, everywhere

This really has been an amazing time. There are things we are aware of immediately: loneliness for our loved ones, the masks, and distancing, the anxiety of what to do and when to do it, plus, plus. We see them, we feel them, we hear them - we can’t miss them. It’s the construct in which we are living and the actions we are taking within that reality. 

And there are the things that aren’t scorchingly obvious: the reveals in our business and the model its…

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Part 7 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

followupcalls7.     80% of sales need at least 5 follow-up calls after a meeting

As shown in sales enablement statistic #6, sales reps are giving up far too fast on potential clients. The majority of sales take time and continuous communication with the customer.

For Salespeople PLAN to do at least FIVE follow up calls with each prospect. Shift your thinking about this. Make each call a bit different and all of them compelling…with enthusiasm! And if you are scheduling appointments or closing as an outcome to …

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High Impact Actions

For sales leaders, everywhere

Many retailers use statistics to measure performance and results, and there are some constants that all retailers measure: Traffic, close ratio, average sale.  All are measurable, all matter, and all have specific actions to increase them.

There are retailers who add another statistic – sales per guest/dollars per opportunity/performance index. Whatever you call it, they all measure the same thing: Total revenue divided by total traffic. It is a combination of close…

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What do we really think about “Just Browsers”?

For showroom sales professionals, everywhere

 In a recent coaching call I was startled by the simple articulation of how one of the salespeople/designers viewed people who say that they are “Just browsing” and those people she’s been unable to connect with: “I think they are killing time and wasting mine.” Wow. I asked her to explain more about this…and it was more about her perspective, which unknown to her, was furthering her inability to connect with browseincoming customers.

Consider this: what do y…

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Customer Service Cancellations

For everyone, everywhere
As you might be doing at the start of the new year, I am scouring my expenses looking at what is nice versus necessary and can be cut. As an avid reader, my news subscriptions paper-business-finance-document-previewstarted to add up and I considered how much I read of each publication and I decided to cancel my digital subscriptions to both The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. The latter could be done via their website and it was a simple process to execute, followed by a confirming email from …

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