

Ending the First Month in the New Year

Whew! Month one in and done.

Are you off to a good start?  Did you start and stop and start again? Did you hit your target for the January yet?

This is a good beginning, whatever the outcome. You are a starting a new process and you are completing your first milestone. Take a look at your actions and results and find something to celebrate – even it’s just sticking to the program!

You are likely in this for the long run and not just a quick accomplishment, so slow and steady wins th…

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New Year’s Celebrations, anyone?

Starting something new takes time to incorporate into our lives. We see it when we put last year’s year on checks (who writes checks anymore?) or on documents. New things take getting used to.

And it’s likely that we don’t build enough celebration into new activities…would you agree?

Setting short-term milestones or hitting daily targets are celebration worthy accomplishments that will keep enthusiasm up and focus strong. We know it’s easy to get distracted or to make setbacks seem lar…

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Take Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Starting new practices and habits isn’t a smooth process.  After the initial excitement and inspiration wears off and old habits start to call to us, we feel pulled in a couple of directions: moving toward the future that we envision and desire and being tethered to a familiar way of doing things. We start to tell ourselves that the current reality is not so bad….and maybe we just need to live with it.

Fear. Resignation. Hopelessness.

When we know that breakdowns will occur or we may f…

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New Actions in Action

Actions are the only things that produce results. New actions feel awkward at first and sometimes that awkwardness stops us from continuing them.
If you know this might happen, then it’s not a surprise when it does. That’s why you want to keep actions to a very few and repeatable if possible. Feeling awkward lessens with practice. And how we know we are doing something new IS the awkwardness of it…so that is good news!

Have a reasonable expectation of what new actions will produce. Give…

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Get It in Writing

Have you finished writing your goals for the new year yet?

If this is your first-time setting goals and putting them on paper, then give yourself a break. Did you get started and distracted? Did you lose your way? Did you need help with articulation but didn’t ask for it? No worries, just sit down and finish it. Even if you only have a couple of things written down, it’s a start.

If you have written goals before and had good results and still haven’t finished, well…are your goals inspiring…

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For sales professionals, everywhere

This really has been an amazing time. There are things we are aware of immediately: loneliness for our loved ones, the masks, and distancing, the anxiety of what to do and when to do it, plus, plus. We see them, we feel them, we hear them - we can’t miss them. It’s the construct in which we are living and the actions we are taking within that reality. 

And there are the things that aren’t scorchingly obvious: the reveals in our business and the model its…

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Part 15 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

15.    90% of salespeople avoid using content because it’s outdated and not customizable

Another shocking sales enablement statistic: Too many salespeople refuse to use marketing content. Marketers should make it easy for salespeople to find sales content and customize it to their clients’ needs.

marketing department

Salespeople Salespeople intuitively know that the market has changed. They know that their jobs have changed…and struggle to change along with it. What was once a sales job is now a sales and marketing…

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