

Part 20 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added


20.   An average company loses 10% of its customer base every year

Don’t be discouraged! This is just a lesson in prospecting and staying ahead of your sales pipeline. Stay active and continuously reach out to new prospects and past clients to keep your pipeline full and your team looking ahead.


Simply put, keep prospecting and don’t take it personally. If you lose more than 10%, you might want to explore further to discover why that is. However, if you ask for referrals, market cons…

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Part 19 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

customer retention19.    Retaining current customers is 6–7 cheaper than acquiring new ones

It’s not a new sales enablement statistic, but it’s just as true today as it was in the past. It’s cheaper to keep your current customers happy than to spend time finding new ones.


Is follow up a scheduled part of your weekly sales actions? Do you ask ‘What’s next?’ with each sales opportunity that closes? Like asking for referrals, staying connected with current clients is low hanging fruit (I dislike that phr…

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Part 18 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

18.    It takes 10 months+ for a new rep to be fully productive

New salespeople need time to learn and gain confidence. Speed up this timeline by investing in sales enablement strategies, pairing new reps with seasoned team members, and using online training.

furn sales images


As a new salesperson, do you have a strategy and timeline for learning? Is practice part of your strategy? Do you OWN your learning engagement and information or do you rely on your manager to bring it to you? I invite you to m…

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Part 17 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

17.    Only 13% of customers believe sales reps understand their needs

Take the time to listen. Too many buyers complain that salespeople do not fully understand their needs and problems. You cannot sell a solution for a problem you don’t know about.

sales understand


It is said “Customers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” and listening deeply is a fundamental skill for every salesperson to take on as a process of continuous learning. Forever. Take it on as a practice, l…

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Part 14 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

Training ongoing#14     Continuous sales training = 50% higher net sales per employee

Salespeople who continuously train bring in 50 percent more sales than those who don’t. It’s a no brainer—keeping sales teams up to date and involved means more sales.

Salespeople Even veterans need to sharpen their skills, techniques, and perspective as the market and the prospect/client changes. Retail and showroom people are experiencing less foot traffic and need to learn the skills of outreach sales actions to stay curren…

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Part 9 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

9.  Salespeople are 9x more likely to convert web leads if they respond within 5 minutes

Customers who contact you via your website expect a quick response. Leads and questions that come through your site need to trigger a response instantly within your sales team.

Salespeople This role isn’t a fit for EVERY salesperson. They need to be skilled in technology, persistent in their communication and closely tied to the marketing department so that they can participate in creating responses that are…

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Part 8 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

# 8  65% of sales reps can’t find content to send to prospects

Communication between sales and marketing is so important—it’s a main component of sales enablement. Marketing templates and documents need to be easily accessible and customizable.

Salespeople  Effective-Business-Communication-1 I listen to salespeople who regularly show their resistance to ongoing communication with prospects and clients as “What am I going to say or send them? The marketing department manages email blasts….” In a time when retail showrooms need to…

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Part 4 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

4. An average buyer gets 100+ emails a day, opens 23% and clicks on only 2%

It’s hard to break through when you’re an unknown sender. Make sure prospects are getting your messages with interesting and engaging email content, and make sure to inboxfollow up.

The salespeople who see themselves as sales and marketing experts, build a different strategy for goal achievement. Customer/client development includes steady, continuous communication and email is just one of the formats to do that.


For Salespeopl…

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Part 3 of 20: HubSpot Sales Statistics…With Secret Sauce Added

Hi everyone….

This is my third in this series of posts. I am taking apart and talking about a data set that HubSpot published in 2018 on Sales Enablement Statistics. These are great bits of information for salespeople and sales managers to know in order to impact the actions they take with prospects and with selling and coaching time. Over time, I will address all 20 points.  I encourage you to share how they impact YOUR actions with your team or with your prospects.

3. 95% of buyers buy from some…

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Managing a Sales Team

sales teamFor sales managers and sales leaders, everywhere           

Although my sales process “Sell it or Schedule it” is designed for salespeople, they are not completely responsible for executing it to mastery. The inclusion of their sales manager is critical to the implementation and ownership of this process.

I just finished a 90-day sales management coaching agreement with Sherry Kollar of Furniture Warehouse Design Gallery (FWDG) in Beaufort, South Carolina.  Our engagement was for HER training and …

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